Alonia products follow the principle of sustainable development.

A big personal goal for us is, through the Alonia Eco Hair Therapy series, to raise awareness about degradable (plastic free), natural cosmetics and the positive features to their users. Our Alonia Eco Hair product line is biodegradable and plant-based without synthetic substances and microplastics, which not only ensures a chemical-free body for the users of the products, but also a cleaner nature for future generations.

We want to be involved in spreading awareness about cleaner nature and especially the condition of the Baltic Sea, so we donate to the John Nurminen Foundation and their work for saving the Baltic Sea.

Due to the lack of scent in the Alonia series shampoos and conditioners, you can also wash children and animals with them. You can wash your hair with the products worry-free on forest trips or at the summer cottage in the sauna, where the water returns to the soil. Basically, we hope that nothing is released directly into the sea, but since the shampoo is a 100% natural product, the negative impact is as small as possible.

All our raw materials are 100% traceable, they are carefully selected organic natural products from organic farms around the world, mainly in Europe. The raw materials used in the production of Alonia Eco Hair products are always ethically produced. The manufacturers of our raw materials support Women's Bank and Fair Trade farms.

Our products are manufactured in Finland by Vitae Clean Cosmetics Oy. We aim to get as many raw materials as possible from Finland for our products. Domestic herbs come from organic farms in the same area where the products are made. The factory that manufactures the products of the Alonia Eco Hair series is the first factory in Finland that has passed ICADA's requirements and is its partner. The ICADA certification system is an international certification for natural cosmetics established in Germany.

Our packaging has been selected as ecologically as possible. Since a biodegradable shampoo bottle is not yet available for our liquid products, we offer an R-PET recycled plastic bottle in addition to the glass bottle. R-PET plastic bottle means that the bottle is made of 100% recycled plastic, and so its carbon footprint is smaller than that of a traditional plastic bottle. The bottle can be recycled in a plastic recycling container. The glass bottle, if well stored (on a good shelf in the shower room), is the most ecological alternative to the shampoo bottle at the moment.

We recommend a reusable glass bottle from our packaging, it can be filled with the refill bag, which is made with 60% less plastic than a recycled plastic bottle. The bottles come from subcontractors in Finland (R-PET) and Austria (glass bottles). The transport packaging is recycled corrugated cardboard, the protective paper is made of recycled paper and the tape is paper tape with natural rubber adhesive (which can be recycled with corrugated cardboard). The packaging materials come from the subcontractor company Napakka Oy.

Do you dare to try a glass bottle in your bathroom? It doesn't seem like it was long ago when all household liquids were packed in glass bottles, when hair was washed in the sauna by candlelight and shampoo was dispensed from a glass bottle in the dark ;)

"It is very important to us that our products are 100% natural. The production chain of the entire series supports the idea of ​​cleaner and more honest future."
Emma & Laura

Quality guarantee

ALONIAhelsinki Oy wants to commit to an ecological corporate culture as much as possible right from the start.

We guarantee that the products we sell represent the values ​​of sustainable development, fair trade, ecology and solidarity.

Our products are manufactured in Tervakoski, from where they are transported to our warehouse in Helsinki, where they are also packed and delivered to be mailed to our customers.